National [Re]Building Month
April is National Rebuilding Month!
National Rebuilding Month is an annual month-long call to service during April, culminating with National Rebuilding Day, the last Saturday of the month, on April 27, 2024.
National Rebuilding Month adopts a deeper and longer-term focus at the neighborhood level. Building a healthy neighborhood is a partnership between Rebuilding Together North Texas, residents, and community stakeholders to revitalize neighborhoods with safe, healthy, affordable, homes and community spaces that are accessible for everyone.
We make a multi-year commitment to a target neighborhood or area. We then coordinate with partner organizations to improve the health and safety of homes and strengthen community infrastructure through the revitalization of parks, schools, community centers, and nonprofit facilities.
Rebuilding Together North Texas has chosen Cedar Crest as an area with a large need, and we will be focusing a portion of our efforts on revitalizing this community.
Sponsor A Project
75+ Volunteers*
North Texas Builder
All items below plus…
Top placement of logo on the back of the t-shirt**
Co-branded press release
4 tickets to each fundraising event
30+ Volunteers*
Home Builder
All items below plus...
Prominent placement of logo on the back of the t-shirt**
Profile article in Rebuilding Together North Texas Newsletter
2 tickets to each fundraising event
Up to 20 Volunteers
Team Builder
Unique one-day team-building experience
Logo on back of the t-shirt**
T-shirts for all team members
Name on signage at the project site
Listing on Rebuilding Together North Texas website
Dedicated Social Media posts
*We are unable to fit more than 30 volunteers at a project site, reach out to us for options.
**Printed on next batch of prints
Sponsorships are payable by check. Online payments are required to cover transaction fees (approx. 5-6%).